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Meet Dr. Russel Pavkov

“I believe in true health for your greatest life.”

Dr. Russel Pavkov

Dr. Russel Pavkov

Dr. Russel Pavkov grew up in a medical minded family where his sisters are nurses and his brother is a medical doctor. “After graduating chiropractic college, I realized how different chiropractic care is from the medical field. Now, my siblings have learned how they can benefit from care and now receive regular adjustments.”

Health Without Barriers

Dr. Pavkov has been an active leader in health and wellness since graduating Cleveland Chiropractic College many years ago.

“I want people all over the world to achieve health and wellness. And, I’ve been blessed to be able to help people in other countries discover chiropractic care.” Dr. Pavkov successfully helped people in Argentina, South America and Uganda, Africa discover the art of chiropractic care.

“I also developed an Associates program to help train chiropractors in and out of college to build successful practices to help out their communities.” Dr. Pavkov inspired over 35 people to go to chiropractic college to help spread the good news of chiropractic care.

A Blessed and Healthy Family

“I’m still married to my lovely wife and we have 5 children, healthy and all grown up. With no vaccinations and 3 home births everyone is extremely healthy with the help of chiropractic care.”

Dr. Pavkov and his beautiful wife, Adena.

Dr. Pavkov and his beautiful wife, Adena.

“Even some of my grandkids have been born at home.”

“My goal is to never take an aspirin in my adult life, and I haven’t had one since I was 19. Nor do I take any medications. Why? Because I’ve lived a healthy and natural life through chiropractic care and I simply haven’t needed anything.”

“My goal is to help you get healthy by sharing the chiropractic story with you, showing you the results you deserve, and making care affordable for you and your family.”

“Give me a call so I can help you discover how good health can feel!” (941) 331-4334